Steps for setting up your Trust and/or to add the Secured Party Process…
***Initial Set-Up of Trust ($500):
Check List (what you will receive):
1. Abstract & Certification of Trust
2. Declaration of Trust
3. Security Agreement
4. Schedule "A"
5. Registry
6. Initial Trust Minutes
7. Banking Resolution
8. Bill of Sale
9. EIN
10. Trust Certificate Units (TCU)
--- ***Add Secured Party Process ($1,000):
Check List (what you will receive):
1. UCC-1 Financing Statement
2. UCC-1 Financing Statement Addendum
3. UCC-3 Financing Statement Amendment
4. Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement
5. Common Law Copyright Notice
6. Form 56 - Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relations (Two Original Forms)
7. Form W8BEN - Certificate of Foreign Status
8. Private Registered Bond For Investment
9. Certificate of Live Birth - Accepted for Value
10.Treasury Direct Account Authorization
11. Durable Power of Attorney for Securities and Savings Bonds Transactions
12. Medallion Stamp from the Bank’s Branch Manager
13. Treasury Direct Bank Account Connected to Trust Bank Account
14. DTCC Registration
Payment Instructions:
Step 1: Zelle: NORVEL LASSERE +1 504 729 7261, and email your name, your address and your phone number to [email protected]
Step 2: Send a cashiers check or postal money orders to:
422 Camphor Street
LaPlace Louisiana 70068
Trust Client Questionnaire
Initial Setup of Trust
Legal Disclaimer** The information provided on this website, including but not limited to trust documents, templates, and guidance, is for **informational purposes only** and **does not constitute legal, financial, or tax advice**. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, **we are not attorneys, tax professionals, or licensed financial advisors**. **No Attorney-Client Relationship:** Using this website, accessing our resources, or purchasing any documents **does not create an attorney-client relationship** between you and our company. We strongly recommend consulting with a **qualified attorney or estate planning professional** before finalizing or executing any trust documents to ensure compliance with applicable laws in your jurisdiction. **No Warranties or Liability:** We **make no representations or warranties** regarding the legality, completeness, or suitability of the trust documents for your specific needs. **You assume full responsibility** for the use of any materials obtained from this website. We are not liable for any **errors, omissions, financial losses, or legal consequences** resulting from the use of our documents or services. **State and Federal Laws May Vary:** Trust and estate laws differ by **state and country**. It is your responsibility to verify that any document used complies with local regulations. **Third-Party Links and Recommendations:** Any third-party resources, attorneys, or professionals mentioned on this website are for **reference only**. We do not endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for their services. **By using this website and our services, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.** If you require **legal advice**, please consult a licensed attorney.